iPhoneer Blog

May 15, 2009

Bruce Schneier on Online Privacy


The courts need to recognize that in the information age, virtual privacy and physical privacy don't have the same boundaries. We should be able to control our own data, regardless of where it is stored. We should be able to make decisions about the security and privacy of that data, and have legal recourse should companies fail to honor those decisions. And just as the Supreme Court eventually ruled that tapping a telephone was a Fourth Amendment search, requiring a warrant -- even though it occurred at the phone company switching office and not in the target's home or office -- the Supreme Court must recognize that reading personal e-mail at an ISP is no different.

May 7, 2009

Restoring iPhone Apps Icons positions

During this period of multiple iPhone OS3.0 Betas, we need to update iPhone OS almost weekly. But the most annoying outcome is a completely scrambled springboard screens. In my case, I have 110 iPhone Apps, and the iPhone lack of categories and folders, leaves me with the springboard screens as the only way to arrange application icons (without jailbreaking).

It requires at least fifteen minutes after every restore to leave the app icons as they were before the update.

But keeping previous arrangement is actually pretty easy, you only need to restore from your backup twice:

  1. Sync and Backup before updating.

  2. Update iPhone OS

  3. When asked, choose the backup from step 1

  4. After the restore finishes (at least 1 hour if you have many apps and music), ^+click (or right-click) your iPhone on the device list and select “Restore from backup...”

  5. Choose the backup from step 1, again, and voilá, when it is done (this time is faster), the springboard icons are arranged just as before the update.