iPhoneer Blog

June 30, 2010

iPhone: How to restore 3G data after upgrading to iOS4

Sometimes, the process to upgrade iPhone to iOS4 corrupts the configuration for 3G data. You can see a 3G icon on the status bar, but all apps requiring Internet report that there is no connection. This problem don't affect WiFi connections.

These are the steps I followed to restore the 3G data connection:

1. Download "iPhone Configuration Utility" from Apple site:

2. Run the "iPhone Configuration Utility" and select "Configuration Profiles" from the left sidebar.

3. Click "New" on the toolbar.

4. Fill the "General" section with a name, identifier and description of your choice for the profile.

5. Fill the "Advanced" section with the details of your phone carrier. For Telcel (Mexico) I provided these values:
- APN: internet.itelcel.com
- User: webgprs
- Password: webgprs2002
- Proxy:

6. Connect your iPhone using USB and select it on the left sidebar.

7. Go to the "Configuration Profiles" and click 'Install' on your profile.

And done, you must have now 3G data again.

-- Desde Mi iPad usando BlogPress

A Task Management Service — tip via @nttd

A Task Management Service That Maximizes Productivity

Staying productive is hard, what with all the exciting ways to waste time the Internet provides.

Fortunately, there’s Action Method, a service that helps your organize and execute all your projects.

Start by creating a new action—cleaning out your storage room, say—and assigning it to a project, be it work-related or personal.

Action Method allows you to delegate tasks to other people using their email address. You can even send a “nag” to remind someone of a task you assigned to them.

If there’s a work in progress that requires some input, you can begin a discussion thread (this is great for avoiding email inbox overload). You can even upload pictures and documents for quick feedback.

The first 50 new action steps are free. After that, the service costs $12 a month or $99 for a year (there’s also a free iPhone app).

Use it or you may end up being showcased on a future episode of Hoarders.

Visit Action Method: http://netted.us1.list-manage.com/track/click?u=ea7544b086a8473bd90e4c1e3&id=4c0989bee4&e=aac23f4330

-- Desde Mi iPad usando BlogPress

June 29, 2010

3 Tips for Writing Reader-Friendly Memos

HBR: http://link.email.hbr.org/r/2ZBO/OPYM0/XTJCSG/I2ZZE/B9O1B/QN/h

In business today, readers are time-pressed, content-driven, and decision-focused. To write effectively, remember that they want simple and direct communications. Here are three tips for giving readers what they want and need:

1. Avoid complex phrasing. Writing elegantly is not important; delivering smart content is. Let the message stand out more than your language.

2. Be concise. Many memo writers get hung up on "flow." But flowing sentences tend to be long and dense. You don't need choppy sentences, just hardworking ones that deliver content concisely.

3. Skip the jargon. Jargon can be a useful way to communicate among experts, but you should never use jargon if it's meaningless, if you don't understand it, or when your audience isn't familiar with it.

-- Desde Mi iPad usando BlogPress

June 7, 2010

LOST ending in corporate language by ExecuNet

June 07, 2010

So, in the end, LOST turned out to be a helluva long job interview. For those who didn't spend the last six years alternately fascinated and frustrated by the series, I'll translate it into corporate language:

Like many good leaders, Jacob, knowing his tenure was coming to a close, had a succession plan. Well in advance of retirement, he started filling his talent pipeline and selected his top potential replacements. Due to the "unavailability" of some of his recruits at the last stages of the interview, very few candidates made it to the final slate.

The position came with tremendous responsibility and Jacob elected the candidates undergo an arduous series of situational interviews to assess their skills and qualifications. Plane crashes, death, destruction, explosions, polar bears, time travel, electromagnetism, good Locke/bad Locke, and a smoke monster — all to determine who was most qualified for the role of island caretaker.

An interview is an opportunity for candidates to evaluate if the role is a good fit for them too, and of those remaining — Jack, Hurley and Sawyer — two seem less certain they want the position. So Jack selects himself as Jacob's replacement, and when he inquires about the length of his employment contract, Jacob tells Jack he must do the job as long as he can.

Instead of a handshake, Jack drinks from Jacob's cup, and immediately begins onboarding into his new role by accompanying the evil John Locke on a business trip into a cave. But Jack is among the 12 percent that ExecuNet-surveyed recruiters report don't complete their first year in a new job and during a hostile takeover, he learns this role was only for a turnaround specialist on an interim assignment.

Before his exit interview, Jack expediently manages the institutional knowledge transfer to Hurley, who, with his servant leadership qualities, turns out is better suited for the longer term role.

The end.


-- Desde Mi iPad usando BlogPress