iPhoneer Blog

April 22, 2008

Windows Live Writer

I've write for some blogs, in english and spanish, in blogger and in proprietary servers, about technology, process and hobbies. So it's important for me to have a tool that allows and easy management of the different blogs. I've been using MacJournal, a Mac OS tool, but now I tried Windows Live Writer, a free Microsoft tool.

MacJournal allows to download and organize previous posts, allows to add tags compatible with Blogger, but those tags are not organized by blog, instead they are listed in a common list.

What I like about Windows Live Writer is the ping services, and that it downloads the blog style and you can locally see how the post will look alike once published. It also makes a more friendly management of tags, and picture publishing.

For now I will be using Windows Live Writer, did I mention it is free?

April 20, 2008

Partition Recovery

The Context
I use an external 320GB WD Hard Drive as backup disk for Mac and XP files. Therefore it has three partitions: one partition to backup XP files, one partition to backup Mac files, and a last partition as common repository. This last one is a FAT32 partition with ebooks, music and movies that I want accessible from XP and Mac.

The Problem
This morning the common partition could not be mounted on Mac, Disk Utility was not even able to verify it. I tried on XP and I received a "Drive is not formatted message. Do you want to format it?". The other two partitions had no problem.

The Alternatives
I Google'd for 'partition recovery' software and I found a lot of alternatives, most of them commercial software with a free demo. I downloaded some of them to see if my data can be receovered. 'Partition Table Doctor' and 'PartRecovery' were able to see my files in the damaged partition, but before paying for the solution I searched for other alternatives. 'Find And Mount' is an interesting software it builds on the fly a partition that can be mounted on a different drive letter, it was able to mount my data, but since it is 'on the fly', the performance makes it unusable.

The Solution
Then I found TestDisk, it is a freeware tool available for different platforms, and in no time it was able to rebuild the boot sector and FAT partitions. Now everything is working fine. I strongly recommend this program and, if you also find it useful, consider donating something in their webpage.

April 17, 2008

iPhone writing recognition software

There is an application at http://iphonecake.com/src/new that enables iPhone and iTouch to recognize writing, Grafiiti style. Well, it is not actually Grafitti style, it looks more like the writing recognition in Windows Mobile devices.

The original Grafitti, one of the reasons of the high popularity of Palm handhelds, allowed to enter the most used characters using a single stroke. But at some point, Palm was forced to replace this marvelous software due to legal issues, and the new Grafitti 2 required two strokes for some frequently used characters (i, j, t, k, x, 4). This single fact significantly reduced writing speed because the software needs to wait for a possible second stroke. Personally, with the original Palm’s Grafitti I could achieve almost the same speed I have in regular paper, and with the newest version it is really annoying trying to enter a single paragraph.

Well, this iPhone app is a nice try, elegantly integrated on existent keyboard, but it is even slower than Grafitti 2, it waits for whole phrases, meaning a lot of strokes in queue before trying to recognize them. And after the wait, the application is not efficient recognizing the entered strokes.

April 15, 2008

Less accidents also mean less money

Last week, Dallas officials reviewed the numbers and decided that a quarter of the cameras they had installed to catch motorists running red lights were too effective. So they shut them down.

Even when the red light diminished accidents they were sut down because they also diminished money collected from fined. So, who are these officials serving to?