iPhoneer Blog

April 17, 2008

iPhone writing recognition software

There is an application at http://iphonecake.com/src/new that enables iPhone and iTouch to recognize writing, Grafiiti style. Well, it is not actually Grafitti style, it looks more like the writing recognition in Windows Mobile devices.

The original Grafitti, one of the reasons of the high popularity of Palm handhelds, allowed to enter the most used characters using a single stroke. But at some point, Palm was forced to replace this marvelous software due to legal issues, and the new Grafitti 2 required two strokes for some frequently used characters (i, j, t, k, x, 4). This single fact significantly reduced writing speed because the software needs to wait for a possible second stroke. Personally, with the original Palm’s Grafitti I could achieve almost the same speed I have in regular paper, and with the newest version it is really annoying trying to enter a single paragraph.

Well, this iPhone app is a nice try, elegantly integrated on existent keyboard, but it is even slower than Grafitti 2, it waits for whole phrases, meaning a lot of strokes in queue before trying to recognize them. And after the wait, the application is not efficient recognizing the entered strokes.

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